Wednesday, October 5, 2016

Owens Corning video - To build Bridges of Tomorrow

Nice video produced by Owens Corning.   Making the bridges of tomorrow a reality !

Wednesday, June 22, 2016

Florida DOT - GFRP Rebar workshop

This past Wednesday June 15th, it was a privilege to participate in a historic FRP industry event, Florida DOT's GFRP rebar workshop held in conjunction with the FDOT 2016 Design Training Expo in Daytona Beach FL.  
Leaders of FDOT design and engineering staff asked for the GFRP rebar industry as a whole to gather and learn FDOT's perspective on safe deployment of GFRP reinforcement for concrete structures, barriers they see for expanded GFRP implementation and areas FDOT would focus on for implementation. 
Present at the GFRP rebar workshop were 45 individuals representing five GFRP rebar producers, raw material suppliers from Owens Corning glass fibers, resin producers, academic experts from several universities and from many different departments within FDOT.
Presentations given at the summit and the overall agenda can be seen at the following link:

Monday, June 20, 2016

"The conversation"

Read a wonderful article which appeared to me as a link in Bill Palmers Concrete Construction e-news letter today.   The article is written by 
Associate lecturer, UNSW Australia who has made an excellent summary of the fact that concrete is a vibrant active material and that hidden steel rebar is a "secretly active" degradation mechanism.   
He writes; "Steel is often perceived to be inert and resilient too. Terms such as “Iron Age” suggest an ancient durability, although Iron Age artefacts are comparatively rare precisely because they rust. If construction steel is visible, it can be maintained – for instance, when the Sydney Harbour Bridge is repeatedly painted and repainted.
However, when embedded in concrete, steel is hidden but secretly active. Moisture entering through thousands of tiny cracks creates an electrochemical reaction. One end of the rebar becomes an anode and the other a cathode, forming a “battery” that powers the transformation of iron into rust. Rust can expand the rebar up to four times its size, enlarging cracks and forcing the concrete to fracture apart in a process called spalling, more widely known as “concrete cancer”. "

Read the full article here:

Sunday, January 31, 2016

Elkhorn North Bridge with Aslan 100 GFRP rebar wins ACI Award of Excellence

Elkhorn North Bridge
Updated Jan 29th, 2016

2015 Nebraska ACI Award of Excellence Winner ­ Elkhorn North Bridge Village of Washington, Nebraska
The Elkhorn North Bridge project required the re­decking of NDOR Bridge over an unnamed tributary of the North Branch of Papillion Creek and was a good opportunity to use a non­corrosive reinforcing material. The bridge deck was in need of repair and with other roadwork required near the village of Washington, NDOR decided to re­deck the bridge at the same time. NDOR chose to use Glass Fiber Reinforced Polymer (GFRP) rebar instead of traditional epoxy coated steel to extend the expected service life of the deck. GFRP reinforcing contains no steel and is not subject to corrosion by chlorides from the application of road salts and is a good alternative to epoxy coated reinforcing. What makes this project noteworthy is that this is the first bridge in Nebraska to utilize GFRP reinforcement.
The single span bridge is 96’ long and 32’­8” wide, with a 10 degree skew and was originally built in 1980. This is the first re­deck. It has a 8” thick deck supported by 42” deep welded plate girders at 9’­0” on center. The project used just over 11,000 lbs of #6 GFRP reinforcing, which when taking into account the reduced density (25%) as compared to steel. This would be equivalent in volume to a full truck load of
steel reinforcing. The cost of the bridge deck replacement was approximately $247,000. The bridge work

steel reinforcing. The cost of the bridge deck replacement was approximately $247,000. The bridge work began in early 2015 and was completed in the fall of 2015.
Structural Engineer: General Contractor: Concrete Supplier: GFRP Supplier:

Nebraska Department of Roads Nebraska Department of Roads
A.M. Cohron & Son
Ready Mixed Concrete Co., Omaha

Hughes Brothers