Wednesday, June 22, 2016

Florida DOT - GFRP Rebar workshop

This past Wednesday June 15th, it was a privilege to participate in a historic FRP industry event, Florida DOT's GFRP rebar workshop held in conjunction with the FDOT 2016 Design Training Expo in Daytona Beach FL.  
Leaders of FDOT design and engineering staff asked for the GFRP rebar industry as a whole to gather and learn FDOT's perspective on safe deployment of GFRP reinforcement for concrete structures, barriers they see for expanded GFRP implementation and areas FDOT would focus on for implementation. 
Present at the GFRP rebar workshop were 45 individuals representing five GFRP rebar producers, raw material suppliers from Owens Corning glass fibers, resin producers, academic experts from several universities and from many different departments within FDOT.
Presentations given at the summit and the overall agenda can be seen at the following link:

1 comment:

  1. This is very useful, although it will be important to help simply click that web page link: Disposable Setting Tool
